Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Back to the books

In the wake of so many people in New Orleans facing death and disease wrought by Hurricane Katarina, it may be easy to forget that even those who were lucky enough to have a car and were able to evacuate will have a steep challenge in getting some semblance of normality back in their lives. And students are no exception. New Orleans and the surrounding region hosts several universities, including the University of New Orleans and Tulane University, to name just a couple. If you were an undergraduate student starting your fall semester... what do you do?

I never would have thought of this, so I'm pleased someone at my university did. The University of Texas - Pan American has invited displaced students a chance to continue their studies. I don't know how many students will be able to take up this offer (it closes this Friday), but I hope that some students will realize that their studies need not be delayed for the months it will take to get New Orleans functioning again. I have yet to hear of similar opportunities at other institutions, but hope there are some.